About Us

Hello friend!   Welcome to our small corner of the internet.  My name is Brian, and together with my wife and three boys, we are All Things Made New.  Here at ATMN Woodworks, we do two things:

Make awesome handcrafted products, mostly out of wood.  We use premium hardwoods, sometimes reclaimed pallet wood for rustic pieces, and pride ourselves on quality craftsmanship.  We have an insatiable appetite for learning how to design and make new things.

Through our craft, we use our hands to glorify Jesus Christ, the God of all creation and the author of our salvation.  He is the KING of kings and LORD of lords, the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world, and the conquering Lion of Judah that makes all things new again!   HE alone is worthy of our praise!!

If you stop reading here, you already know all you need to know about us.  But of course, there's more to the story, and our mission, so keep reading!   

Our Story

My background is actually software product management.  I love the creative aspect of designing intuitive, user-friendly software.  Also, my technical skills, attention to detail, and overall personality lend themselves well to leading cross-functional product delivery teams.   But as fulfilling as this vocation is, I've started to feel the pull of Jesus's words on my heart:

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." - Matthew 5:14-16 

Don't get me wrong, I believe it's possible to honor God wherever you are in life, but I felt a personal conviction that there was more I could be doing with the talents God has given me, more with my hands and creativity.   And so, with the support of my loving wife Jill, I decided to pursue my passion for design and woodworking.  As we thought and prayed about it, we decided that the time was right, and that no matter what would happen, we could trust that God would cause all things to work together for good.   We may not always know or understand what that good is, but we could trust God with that too. 


Reflecting on everything that has brought me to this nexus of opportunity and worship, I'm reminded of my friend Jon Gibson, an amazing singer and songwriter who has also used his talents to serve the Lord.  One of my favorite songs is I'm on a Mission, and I don't think the lyrics could better express my heart:

"I don't have the answers to the problems in the world
'Cause I got too many of my own.
But you chose to use me in spite of myself
To make your love known.
Oh, and, I know it's time for me to share with someone
Everything I see, yeah
'Cause love conquers the pain
But only the truth sets you free"

Eternal Impact

We all instinctively know that love has the power to overcome fear, anger and pain, and Lord knows we need more of it.  But now more than ever, the world is divided over TRUTH, and enslaved by lies that keep us from finding true meaning and purpose in life.  Jesus makes an astounding claim - not only does he speak the truth, he IS the truth. The world doesn't need more self-help books, social justice movements, political saviors or even more religion.  It needs more truth.  It needs more Jesus.  An encounter with Jesus changes everything.



We know that there are tons of great charities to choose from, with worthy and noble causes: advancing human knowledge and achievement, lessening the pain and suffering of others, and fighting for justice in an unjust world.  And many of these needs must be met, as God has called us to be good stewards of his creation and care for those in need.   But we believe that the world is hurting from a deeper, unmet spiritual need that only Jesus can satisfy.... a new clean heart, freedom from sin, peace with God, and eternal life.  We also believe in God's promise to restore his once perfect creation, with a new heaven and a new earth, where there will be no more death or pain or suffering!  In fact, that's what inspired our namesake, the hope that God will wipe away every tear and make all things new again (Revelation 21:3-5).


And that's why we're excited to donate 10% of all our sales to ministries, organizations and individuals that are committed to sharing this good news through their national and sometimes even global platform.   In the past, we've donated to organizations such as Bob George Ministries, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, The Grace Message / Andrew Farley Ministries, and most recently The Come and See Foundation / The Chosen TV Series.   Currently, we're excited to partner with Jon Gibson to help fund his latest independent music project.  Read more about Jon's story here.    

By supporting ATMN Woodworks, you're not only supporting small business, but you're also helping spread this good news to a hurting world that hungers for something real and life changing.  You're helping make an impact on a global scale that is everlasting.


Thank you for visiting our online store and taking the time to learn about what God is doing in our lives.  It's a joy and a privilege to make these handcrafted goods in Jesus name, and we look forward to serving your needs! 


Yours In Christ,
Blessed are all who take refuge in Him



Our family celebrating Easter!
From left to right:  Max, Brian, Bodi, Teddy, and Jill